The animal band item-how I felt...
We were in the classroom and we were doing our 2nd-last rehearsal. I was imagining that I was Liam, the king of basketball... And I was just about to score when... "HEE-HAW HEE-HAW BOW-WOW BOW-WOW MEEEOW,MEEEOW COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOO COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOO!!!" I said "Oh my gosh its my turn!!!" (I just said that inside my head so nobody heard me). But then I said "Heeeeelp! Whats that terrible noise!?!?!?" (Now that I really said). After the rehearsal finished we took some photos of our costumes. I was a robber. My mask was a super stand-out kind of mask! It had a really pale skin colour so that just added to it. It had really big eye holes because it had two little foam eyes looking down at the HUGE nose (when I say huge I mean HUGE), and still needed space for the real eyes. But that just makes it look like I had four eyes. Anyway, I had a foam hat joined onto the mask, with a brim poking straight out. The shadow of it covered my eyes so it must have looked like the real eyes were the ones made out of foam. Also, it only covered half of my face so that meant that I could have done any expression with my mouth which was kind of weird.
Here is a picture of my mask.
As you can see, it is crack up. So after the photos we all headed for the theater. We got in our places and we did another rehearsal. I was looking at the back of the stage to see if my mum would turn up nearly all the way to my part, but after a while I gave up. I listened to the play and saw it was nearly my part. Then, "HELP! Whats that terrible noise!?!?" After my part I looked again to see if my mum turned up... Aaaand, no she hadn't. After the last minute rehearsal was over, I checked again. And guess what, she was! (And so was my little sister), I waved and lifted my mask, and she waved back! So then I checked how many kids had turned up, and by now there was a lot. I was one of the three robbers to sit at the table, and I was sitting in the middle. This is what it looked like.
I am in the middle. ^
And out of all the masks mine was the funniest. So I was the one to stand out the most in the whole class. Now think of a number. Times it by three. Divide it by four. Now forget all about it and think of six-hundred people. That is a lot. And, that is how many people I stood out to. But that was alright, because in my old school in china I had to stand out to about four times as much (a third of the school), and when I had to stand out to all of the school sometimes doing a Christmas play. I was not nervous. This is kind of embarrassing but I had to wear eye shadow in front of maybe a thousand people once!!! Then someone said through a microphone "Now Room 12 will do there item called "The Animal band"." And the play begun... With six hundred people staring at me, I could do nothing but imagine what I looked like. In my my mind I looked hilarious. So I tried not to but I just couldn't stop me smile! I must have look like a... a... a......................................... Cartoon character gone all wrong! But the thought of that just made me smile harder! I said to myself (in my head), "DO.NOT.LAUGH." But I couldn't so I tried harder and all I let out was a squeak "Meeep...." Then I felt all better. Then it came again. "Meep" Then I really felt better. So I waited.... And waited..... And waited................ Until it came up to my part. "HELP!!! Whats that terrible noise!?!?" And then my part was all over. I was kind of feeling stage frighty. But then it ended, and after the play they put on now watch me whip, now watch me nae nae.
Now watch me whip, now watch me nae nae, now watch me whip, whip, now watch me nae nae!!!
Liam you have done a great job in this, you look creepy with you four eyes, the first time I seen you it gave me the shivers down my back because you had four eyes. Keep up the great work!!!!!!