Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Totora whanau camp.

Last week Totara whanau went to Camp Weka. We stayed there for two nights and three days. We did activities like backpack making and the FeAr FaCtOr... I'll explain that later........ But anyway, lets see some pictures of the backpack making.

There is me coming to show off my backpack!!!
As you can see, I did terribly.
Me again - lets see someone else's!

This ones good! Why's she dancing?

We had lots of different designs, some like baskets,
Some unfinished, like my groups.
I found it challenging, probably one of the most challenging things that I did at camp.

This activity was called the FeAr FaCtOr... What happens in this game is that you blindfold yourself and the leader gives you food that they say is really, really gross like they might say its and ALIVE and might SQUIRM on the way down your THROAT. Eh, Mrs.H? :-(!!! It was gross. But I was really keen on it. I remember that I did the first one, (Mrs. H described it as a insect, it was a olive!!!) Mrs. H saw I was really keen, and I had to skip three because she had one saved for me. The three I had to skip were pig pee, (which was sprite,yum!), Cow poo, (which was chocolate icing, even more yum!!!) And blood with blood clots... (Coconut milk.) But then I could have a go. Mrs.H said this one was a worm. An alive worm. And it might squirm on the way down and might crawl back up. It was a pickle. I'm being nicer then the teachers were. I told you straight away, well I should get some credit for that, shouldn't I?!?!
Trying it out...

They held and wiggled it above our hand, it really felt like it was alive! I remember that when she was wiggling it above my hand I grabbed it, but it slid out of my grasp. That gave me enough clues to guess that it was a pickle. That pickle was a pickle for about five seconds of my life. (Heh... heh heh... bad joke. :-/) ANYWAY... BACK TO WHAT HAPPENED!!! I also did all the rest. There was one that was a sandy, dried starfish, (a fig), there was also a fresh sea animal with all the guts and stuff still inside, (a chinese fruit called a lychee, I think...) and another insect, (I forgot what the insect was).

This might be better than the others... even though its alive...

Or not!!!! Btw its a pickle.
Theres me!!!!!

Me again! And Faith, Zach, and Balin.
Every one around the fire.
The other activity I remember doing was making toastey pies!!! In mine I had spaghetti and cheese. It just tasted like spaghetti, but you could catch the cheese if you concentrated. We cooked it in the fire on a thing that... Its hard to explain so I hope you see it in the pics. 
In order from Left to right, Alex, Lachlan, Michael and Camden enjoying their toastey sandwiches.  


Tuesday, March 15, 2016


In totora whanau we have been writing a story based on a message in a bottle, a secret trapdoor, or a suspicious egg. I wrote my story on a message in a bottle. In the message in a bottle group we had to be the person writing the message, describe what you feel as a marooned pirate, tell the reader what happened, and how you are surviving. We did the writing in two big chunks. (Each chunk is not only one paragraph)... One chunk was the answer to "what's happening now?" And the other was the answer to "how did you get here?" If you wanted to you could make a little twist that nobody sees coming, and that's what I did.

I hope you liked my story! Bye!!!