Jack Marsden-Mayer
Jack Marsden-Mayer is a famous driftwood artist known all around the world for his amazing art with lots of little details made to stand out.
He usually makes animals like eagles and emus. Sometimes he makes Dino's or dragons! He comes from Manchester and moved to New Zealand in 2008. Since then, he has been making driftwood sculptures, sometimes bigger than himself!
He went to the Gordonstoun International school where he studied sculpture. Then he spent a lot of time travelling and ended up in New Zealand. At the moment he is living in a small village in the center of the north island in Raurimu part of the Ruapehu district.
Currently he is working on a sculpture called "Forgotten world" in a prehistoric sculpture park at the Wades Landing Lodge.
The sculpture will include a 5 by 7 meter fire breathing dragon with most of the New Zealand native animals.They will be in a park that has the most prehistoric plants planted there.
Some of the hard wood driftwood that he uses are as old as the Taupo eruption. He joins them together with a galvanized tech roofing screws. Sometimes he makes the weight of the body is too heavy for the legs, so he has to use a galvanized steel bar to help them to stand up.
If you want a sculpture, you have to look it up to see what kind of things he makes. Just type up "driftwood" in the search bar of google and go to images. You have to look after it too. You have to tighten the screws and oil the joints as required. You might find that the screws are wearing out, the screws have a rough life of about 20-25 years. (Depending on the condition). They will take different times to build depending on how big it is. Also, he might do some things wrong and it will take a longer time. It took him nearly 6 weeks to finish the Raurimu Rex! That is what Jack Marsden-Mayer does.
Excellent detail Liam, this artist is a very clever man. I would've loved to see your driftwood art on your blog!